Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Taking a break from this blog

This is a difficult thing for me to do, but I will be taking an indefinite break from this blog. I love expressing my opinions on the political events of the day. I even more enjoy the dialogue with some of you who read this blog (yes the liberals too).
I feel that God has told me this blog is a distraction from what He wants me to focus on. What's that? I have no idea. One step at a time. I hope in the future to resume this blog, but that's not for me to decide.
I hope Republicans will rally around the party for the 2010 elections, as it's obvious from the first few months of the Obama/Reid/Pelosi administration that they plan to spend and grow government as much as possible. Currently averaging 36 BILLION A DAY!
I hope Independents and Libertarians will take a 2nd look at the Republican party, which is far from perfect, but with a little help can regain control of the house and return power to the people.
Finally I hope the politicians will learn from the past mistakes. Conservative principals are what the majority of Americans believe in. You will get hammered by the intellects of this country and the media, the same way the intellects and media attack anything that is rooted in the past. They want new ideas, and attitudes to show enlightenment, and growth. If you stay with the ideas that have always worked it's not sophisticated. Don't worry what the press and intellects say. Worry about doing the right thing. The right thing is taking power away from politicians and returning it to the citizens of this country. God bless you all, and I pray God continues to bless the United States of America.

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    This is my serious "self portrait" that I created in my bathroom. I have since shaved the beard but am too busy blogging to redo my self portrait.
