Saturday, June 27, 2015

Why would I be for the Supreme Court ruling but against gay marriage

I join millions of Americans in celebrating what I believe is a just ruling that finally affirms that gay marriage is just as legitimate as straight marriage in our country.  For far too long they have been treated as second class citizens in that straights have been afforded dozens of benefits that gay couples were denied.
As a Christian my personal belief is that homosexuality is a sin. But the federal government government is passing judgment on my or anyone else's personal beliefs.  They can't.  It is actually protected. It would also be impossible to define marriage based on a religious belief as there are dozens of religions who have lots of different opinions on what makes a marriage.
I have thoughtfor years that CS Lewis was correct when he stated in his radio address to Britain during WWII that the word marriage is a government institution.  Christians who want to hold themselves to the Biblical standard should first make sure they know what that standard is and then have a 2nd word for it. Marriage from a Biblical point of view has little in common with what most Americans call marriage.
Like all standards set in the Bible it is humanly impossible to meet. They are only possible with the Holy Spirit living inside you. And that is impossible without Jesus. As Christ said when asked about the possibility of the rich man entering heaven.  "It would be easier to thread the eye of a needle with a camel. But with God all things are possible".  May God richly bless you in this life and the next.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Careful you don't get too creative on your ad campaign

An ad agency (not in Columbia) was recently boasting on their site about creating a campaign for a minor league sports team (not baseball...stop guessing). The goal of any campaign should be to make the client money. This agency had some very creative ideas to help get their sports team noticed in the community. It included motion activated messages placed inside seashells and then have those shells all over the beach and a treasure hunt to win free tickets to games where the clues are posted on their Facebook page. I asked the simple question of how does this make people want to see a game? Crickets. Ticket sales for the team had actually gone down year over year. 
Advertising, marketing, promotion whatever you want to call it can only be deemed successful if it makes the company money! And the only way to make money is build desire. If your idea doesn't make people want to experience your event, taste your food, use your service, wear your outfits, drive your cars then you can't sell them. Audi sales dropped after their 2011 Superbowl commercial won awards for creativity. They would have been better served to save the money and not advertise at all then to run this award winning campaign. 

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    This is my serious "self portrait" that I created in my bathroom. I have since shaved the beard but am too busy blogging to redo my self portrait.
