Saturday, December 13, 2008

Is Rush Limbaugh hurting conservatives?

Colin Powel made some news this week when he slammed Rush Limbaugh. I remember hearing Rush for the 1st time in 1989 on WABC NY and thinking this is the funniest guy on the radio. I also appreciated his ability to point out how absurd some liberal positions are through comedy. I also remember thinking in 1994 that our party was making a tragic error when the newly elected Reps called themselves the Dittohead Caucus. Then Sean Hannity started getting quoted and then Laura Ingraham and so on and so forth. The point is that Radio entertainers are in fact entertainers. As a party, you lose credibility when you quote them. Rush is by far the most popular radio personality in America with an audience that fluctuates between 14 and 20 million people every year. But that alone tells us most conservatives don't listen to him. Most American voters consider themselves conservative. It's actually 60 %. (Apparently we start every election off with a 10 point lead and blow a lot of them) In this last election Obama received 66.8 million votes to McCain's 58.3 million votes. That's 125 million voters. Meaning 105 million of them don't listen to Rush or probably talk radio in general. So when molding an argument to an undecided voter never say "Well I heard on Rush Limbaugh...", because he's an entertainer. It's similar to when a Democrat says "John Stewart reported..." If an entertainer makes a point you want to enlighten your friends with find the source and quote from there. Ususally they will say today's NY Times or an ABC poll or whatever before breaking it down. Of course you can always quote me because, no one knows who I am.

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