Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jesus would have been a Democrat

It seems lately a lot of my liberal friends have been hitting me with that. Seeing that Jesus is part of the holy trinity making Him the all powerful, all knowing creator of the universe, any person who would attempt to answer His political affiliation on His behalf is a fool. So let's look at some God principals from the bible, and see if we can apply them to our lives in politics. God wants his people to feed the hungry and care for the poor as you read in Matthew and those who don't, will wish they had.
But Jesus was also clear that Government doesn't do Gods work in Mark 12:13-17 where he famously tells the people give Caesar what is his, and God what is His.
Politics is not the place to play the religion card. A Christan who studies their bible also knows, that God raises up all leaders, both good and bad for a number of reasons, but ultimately to bring glory to himself. For those who may have forgotten I direct you to Psalms 75:5-7 , Daniel 2:20-21 And yes that includes women leaders as you read about Deborah in Judges 4 So if you didn't like Bush, or don't like Obama, or don't like your boss at work, still know God put them over you for a reason.
This can be confusing. God wants us to care for the less fortunate, but separates government, from His work, while at the same time putting leaders in their positions. But maybe it's not as confusing as some would make it. What I take away from this is if you're a Christian you should be taking care of the poor. You can't expect government to do the work of Gods people. I challenge the religious right to have such an impact on your community that government officials would be ridiculed for proposing more socialist programs, because the needs of the people are already being met. The people who cry out for equality, justice and change this is where you can effect America. Right in your town. I applaud President Obama and his fellow community organizers as doing a good thing. If they're organizing people to change the community themselves, through hands on 1 on 1 relationships with people who need help. We need a lot more of that! I believe that's the spirit of Christ. However if you're a community organizer doing God's work you aren't to spend your days organizing votes to change some laws so that people are forced to give money to an organization whose leaders line their pockets before distributing the leftovers however they see fit. That organization in question by the way is our federal government. I know there are some good leaders there, but for the most part the men and women who run all nations do so for self centered reasons. Why does God allow that? Maybe so people will learn only He can fix our problems and we'll return our attention, trust and devotion to Him.

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