Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stop teasing me Mark Sanford!

I've applauded you South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford the past few weeks, as you've been saying that even if the stimulus bill was passed, you may refuse the money. House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn was so worried that all his hard work on the bill may not be felt in his home state that he inserted a "punish Mark Sanford" clause at the last minute. The legality of that clause is currently being debated. It says in effect that if you turn down the money the state legislature could go around you to the feds and get the money anyways. I assumed Governor, that clause would make you throw up your hands and say "you guys win".

But last night, there you were on Fox news, and then again this morning on CBS news saying you may still not accept the money.

Is it real? Could you Mark Sanford have the gubernatorial gonads to tell Obama "we will not be forced to follow your bad plan"? The Democrats are saying you're just grandstanding in the hopes of building support for a run at the White House. Republicans in SC are now wilting under the pressure and saying "even though we're against the plan, we're 'paying' for the money anyways so let's spend it". But you're still standing strong. And suddenly I hear John Lennon in my ear...."you say you want a revolution"

What would the revolution cost us? Well the bill that was voted on and passed was never read by anyone individual including the President. But now that it's here, you and the Sanford team are going line by line to see what happens if we do accept the money. You've already told us it would grow unemployment by more than double because now part timers are included in the federal money. Who knows what else you'll find. And no one seems certain what happens to the money if we reject it. Do they spend it anyways?

I'm going to worst case it. We turn down the 8 billion dollars coming to South Carolina. The federal government, like old King George, says we're going to charge you for it anyways. So the 5 million residents of SC are on the hook for 8 billion. Most of the 5 million people aren't tax payers though, so let's say 1 million residents are responsible for 8 billion. That's $8000 per tax payer. I would love to get a loan, from one of the propped up banks of bailout, to stroke a check to the porkapotomus government saying it's over. You can't force us to behave the way you see fit. You can't force us to build electric cars, and educate 3rd graders on sex. You are not the boss of us, rather we are the boss of you! Federal money is our money. You have no money of your own. The only way you can get money is to tax us, or print it, and we've had enough of both. The people who voted for change were sick of the excess deficit spending of the past. Their idea of change was not to increase the rate at which we go in to debt, but rather reverse it.

Mark Sanford, I'm telling you if you take a stand and say "I have the will of the people on my side". Only 37% of Americans wanted this plan. I have the annals of history on my side, showing no society has ever deficit spent it's way out of a recession. The people know that what the federal government is doing, is wrong. And I will not be a participant in growing government, which always hurts individuals". If you say that and refuse the money you may inspire a revolution. There's at least 3 other Governors who might jump on that bandwagon of righteousness immediately. Then TX, RI, GA, IN, AZ, and a few others who have been voicing their complaints would have ability to refuse as well. Mark Sanford you can become a voice for the people. A voice that has been crying out for change, and mistakenly accepted a change for the worse. They've seen their mistake, and now depression has set in as the realization that trillions of dollars of debt is about to be placed on their heads. Mark Sanford you can be the zoloft for taxpayers. Government is so out of control that our current obligations over the next 30 years puts a tax burden of 1.25 million dollars on a family of four according to the CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Government must shrink or it will kill us all like a giant blood sucking tic that never gets it's fill till it kills both itself and the thing it's sucking off of.

And I can still hear John Lennon..."we all want to change the world".

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