Friday, February 19, 2016

Why did I endorse Marco Rubio?

I have been fortunate that through my job, I have met most of the candidates and had an opportunity to discuss issues with them. But even if had I not, we can all listen to their speeches. We can all see how they interact with the public. We can look up their voting records or if they don't have a record listen to how they say they would vote. I have thought about it for many months and decided that Marco Rubio, is in my opinion, the best person for the job.

Since announcing that I have been blown up on Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, voice mail and I'm expecting quite soon carrier pigeon, by other candidates supporters asking me to defend my decision. I will attempt to address all of the criticism and concerns people have expressed about Marco without disparaging any of the competition.

For those of you who think Marco is a puppet of the GOP please look at his voting record and how many times he went against leadership, or at the very least his conservative ranking from the Heritage Foundation which lists him as the 4th most conservative member of the Senate. Cruz supporters point out that Ted was ranked #1, and that’s wonderful. My point is Marco is very conservative and far from a puppet.

 Detractors of Marco point to the “amnesty gang of 8” bill. Let’s not distort what that proposal was. It was not amnesty. It was a proposed solution that would help the US deport illegal’s who committed further crimes, while imposing fines on those who had broken our laws by crossing our border. We have had amnesty for many years, because we have allowed the problem to grow so large that millions of them pay no punishment at all for their crime! This cannot continue! Marco has learned a lesson from this gang of 8 stuff, and that is that the border must be secured and the American people must have proof that it’s secure, before the 2nd part of their plan can be even considered. As most conservatives hold Ronald Reagan to be the standard by which their future leaders should be held, we remember that Reagan was burned when he signed into law genuine amnesty for 3 million illegal’s before the border was secure. Thankfully Marco has learned that lesson before becoming President. 

So why not go with Cruz who is ranked as the most conservative? Because a President must have the ability to win people over to their way of thinking. Ted Cruz is an outstanding lawyer when arguing facts about law. But we’re not arguing law. We’re persuading Congress to write new bills that can become laws. That takes someone with a different skill set. Congress writes the laws (lawmakers), the President enforces those laws (protect and defend the constitution) and the Supreme Court interprets the law.

 Marco Rubio is a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. A man who knows and loves our Constitution and understands as Judge Scalia did that it’s not a living document open to further interpretation. When the 10th amendment says: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people, it means what it says. State governments have had their power eroded by the federal government and any future Supreme Court justices need to acknowledge that before nomination.

 We need not only a strong leader, but a leader whom the people will love. Reagan was loved for his wit. He had a gentleness about him that didn’t intimidate anyone… other than our enemies. Marco has that same spirit. Our enemies will fear us, and our allies will never be embarrassed by our leaders’ words or actions. I want our leader to be that type of person, and I want our nation to be strong and that’s why I endorse Marco Rubio and pray that God will bless us with Marco as the next President of the United States of America!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do you have to be such a Star-F-er???

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