Monday, February 22, 2016

Whatever happened to liberal media bias?

There have been countless stories written about the liberal media bias. Which is funny when you consider that the media is calling itself out. Bernard Goldberg wrote a book, and then created a career pointing out how the network news departments slight conservatives and build up liberals. And smack dab in the middle of primary season there's a lot of news coverage! It actually has been ramping up since 2015. And as you can see 2015 had more campaign coverage on network news than any other year leading into an election save for the year Obama started running and the economic collapse began.
Now as expected the most liberal Senator in recent history according to his voting record, Obama dominated the news cycle and won a major victory over Hillary and cruised past the Republican McCain. Conservatives were hopping mad that our candidates can never get that kind of attention. But according to the December 7th edition of the Washington Post Trump received more news coverage than Sanders and Clinton combined.  

But so far this year he is blowing away even that stat. In January Trump received more news coverage than all 10 GOP candidates combined and more than both Democratic candidates combined. 
So I have to ask is the media no longer biased towards liberals? I doubt it. What we see here is a dream candidate for liberals. Someone who if elected would strengthen or enact a lot of liberal policies. Trump is a fan of Planned Parenthood, the Obamacare individual mandate, and for taxing the rich. Trump is a liberals dream in that they love government control. Trump has made it clear that he will bypass Congress to do what he sees fit with ISIS, NAFTA, and Immigration as a whole. He will weaken the Constitution by continuing the trend of seizing power to do what the President wants. When the next President is elected they will take more power until one day a President decides he or she is too important to leave and just outlaws elections. So if this is what liberals want and Trump is offering to help, then I guess it's no surprise that for the first time in TV history a GOP candidate is getting more news coverage than the Dems.

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