Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How to fix a stalling economy

Number 40 (who inherited a far bigger mess than this) explains in less than 3 minutes how to fix the economy. Plus gives a shout out to Bill Gates & Paul Allen.

For those of you too young to remember the late 70's through the early 80's here's some stats. While today's jump in unemployment to 6.5% is bad, we've seen much worse.

Inflation has risen to about 5%, however the average from 1979-81 was 12%! By 1982 it cut in half to 6% and down to 3% by 1983!

The conservative plan has proven it works. As you can see by the history of taxes, George Bush has been the best friend to lower income Americans since before World War 2! Republicans should be ashamed that no one knows that! Let's remind America that times have been far worse than this,and we have the blueprint to return us all to prosperity!

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