Sunday, November 30, 2008

Political Wrongness

Are these guys in the act of a crime? If you said the guy on the right has created a spelling crime against marriage you're a wisenheimer...and I like that. But seriously should either be sent to prison for their display?

The Democrats for decades have been pushing for legislature that forces Americans to be tolerant but makes it a crime to offend. Republicans have opposed such bills because they don't protect all Americans. When there's a need for a new law Republicans sign up to help. JFK introducing the Civil Rights act in 1963 comes to mind as an example of when there were offenses against citizens being carried out, that were not being punished under the current law, a new law had to be written. Freedom doesn't give one the freedom to impair another's pursuit of happiness. Both Democrats and Republicans who fought for civil rights, and sexual equality are to be applauded, and thanked for making this country better. (quick sidenote; Democrats often take all the credit for civil rights passage, but in the 3 attempts it took to pass Democrats never had more than 69 percent of their party vote in favor while Republicans never had less than 80 percent. One day I'll do a blog on how Republicans have been the champion of minorities that will make my liberal friends heads explode) But political correctness, as we all now refer to walking on eggshells, is beginning to impair people's pursuits of happiness. And is on the verge of literally outlawing the major religion of the United States, Christianity.

As we head in to the Christmas season, now would be a perfect time to fire off an e-mail to your Congressmen and Senators to let them know where you stand on the
Hate Speech bill as most in Washington are calling it. It sure sounds like a Christian should support a bill against hate speech. But like a lot of things in this world, and especially Washington, things that seem right, are often wrong.

Following the lead of Canada and Europe the U.S. version of the Hate Speech act would make it an arrestable offense for a religious leader in his church, to say that sex outside of marriage is wrong, because that would be hate speech to the people having pre-marital sex, and especially hateful to homosexuals who aren't legally allowed to get married. This Bill is now named the
Matthew Shepard Act in honor of the young man who was brutally murdered by 2 guys who hated gay people. It's hard to stand up against a bill named the Hate Speech bill that's now subtitled the Mathew Shepards Act. By voting against it, it appears that you're for hate speech and against gay people. Is it possible voting against this bill is actually voting to protect Homosexual rights?

Obviously the men who murdered Matthew Shepard have done something horrendous, and thankfully our laws cover that. They are both serving life sentences without the possibility of parole. But there are those in the gay community and the Democratic party who feel that our current laws need an addition to prosecute a crime motivated by gender, sexual orientation, or disability. They use
the example that if a person spray paints homosexual slurs on a gay persons home or automobile that the perpetrator needs to have more severe punishment than a person who simply spray paints a Yankees logo on a Red Sox fans property. In case you're wondering, police classified the Yankee logo spray painting as robbery even though nothing was stolen. If caught the guilty party faces 5 years in jail. So we're covered. There's no need to guilt people in to supporting a bill that serves primarily to threaten religious leaders to be more inclusive, by not talking about what their religion teaches. Now we're not just talking about Christianity here, because clearly the Muslim, and Jewish religion also proclaim homosexuality a sin. Even the Hindu's Manu Smriti demands punishment for homosexuals and unmarried heterosexuals caught having sex. And the Buddhist leader Dalai Lama has spoken out about those same things. So all of the worlds major religions have taught the same things for thousands of years, but the federal government now wants to make those teachings a crime.

I would suggest there's no need to clarify the motive when sentencing a crime. If one murders, steals, or rapes the motive is unimportant. They will be punished accordingly. So then what purpose could this bill serve? Well as
Chuck Colson pointed out in his article "This bill is not about hate. It's not even about crime. It's about outlawing peaceful speech". Any speech that can be considered hateful by any group sending the person saying it to jail?

Now I know this seems a bit extreme to believe that police will be marching in and dragging preachers away for breaking the law by preaching what's in the Bible. But you need only look to
Canada and Europe to see how this is already happening there. If that seems too far away, try Pennsylvania. Under a Pennsylvania state law this 75 year old grandmother was dragged off to jail for holding up a sign at a gay rally that said "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth". On the basis of that interpretation, a Philadelphia Eagles fan holding up a sign that says The Pittsburgh Stealers have an overrated Quarterback should be arrested in Pittsburgh. Sometimes the truth hurts,or some times the message isn't even true. The Stealers QB is great, but someone saying he's not, is supposed to be free to say that. I believe Jesus Christ died to pay the cost for my sins, and anyone else who repents and puts their trust in Him. According to the Bible Jesus proclaimed in John 14:6 no one will go to Heaven without accepting Him as their savior. All of my studies have proven to me, that it is impossible for me, or anyone else, to enter heaven by being a good person. I should be telling everyone I know that, because it's incredible news. We can all be saved and go to Heaven regardless of our pasts, our race, our lineage, anything. Of course Atheists are positive that there is no God. (Not to be confused with Agnostics who just think it's impossible to know). So if I was an Atheist I'd be telling everyone that religion is a hoax to put you under some faceless authority and to milk you of your money. That's what they should be doing! And in this country we should both be able to stand shoulder to shoulder and say the other is wrong. Homosexuals can hang huge banners in front of their houses that say God created us gay, and while that's obviously offensive to anyone who believes the Bible, they too have the right in America to proclaim it. (in case you're wondering why that's offensive to Christians, it's because the Bible teaches we're all created perfect in Gods image and that we're born with sin which is passed on because of the fall of man in the garden of Eden. Being born homosexual isn't something God did any more than being born a liar is) We should all make sure that our adversary has the ability to speak their mind. Fighting for their right to speak is fighting for your own right. The Matthew Shepard act would also open up gays to arrest for speaking about the Bible in a way that most Christians would deem hateful. It wouldn't start out that way, but anytime you start to limit speech it leads towards all citizens losing the privilege. It doesn't matter if you're religious or not. A law that outlaws you from peacefully expressing yourself, because others are afraid of what you're expressing, goes against the fiber of this country, where we are all free. President elect Obama says passing the Matthew Sheppard Act is one of his priorities . While it's intentions are good, it's execution will hurt all Americans.

If you agree with me, here's
a list of the email addresses for all the Congressmen and Senators in America. I encourage you to find your representatives, and let them know where you stand. If you don't agree with me, um act like you didn't see that list. Just kidding! Contact your reps and tell them you want free speech banned, or however you want to spin it.

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