Thursday, November 20, 2008

What do Obama voters know about Obama?

There's been a lot of talk the past 24 hours or so about this Zogby poll that reveals the majority of people who voted for Barack Obama really had no idea about his or Joe Biden's documented negative past. However those same voters knew all of the negative things about McCain/Palins past. Actually they mave been guessing at that part. It was a multiple choice survey and the vast majority of Obama voters answered negative questions (like "Which candidate had to drop out of a previous campaign after they were caught plagiarizing speeches") as Palin.

The fact that Obama supporters don't know anything about him is neither shocking or even upsetting to me. It will be upsetting to them when they realize that Obama's change doesn't necessarily line up with their change. Obama supporter/Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban may be the first to have had his balloon popped, as he wrote about in his blog Obama 1st Big Mistake

It's human nature to poo poo (or is that pooh pooh?) negative things about your candidates. We Republicans have, on more than one occasion, given our candidates wide berths after scandals erupted because we can't trust the "liberal media". For a reminder see Duke Cunningham. I don't believe the majority of today's voters take the time to not only learn the current position of key candidates, but their history. So when a likable intelligent person says times are tough and I can make them better, unless someone presents a better option, a lot of people are sold. Most of the people surveyed were unable to identify who Barney Frank, or Harry Reid are. That reinforces to me what I already thought. People have no idea what's going on in DC. You can complain all you want about how people need to educate themselves, and take voting more seriously, but that doesn't change the fact that they don't.

The Democrats have stuck with a message of inclusiveness, and empathy for all. They have stuck us, with a rep as the old boys club who are bigoted, homophobic, and on the side of big business (because they grease our palms). We have done little to dissuade people from that perception.What is the real message of the Republican party? I will write that message over the weekend and post it Monday. In the mean time, if you're interested, here's the video of Obama supporters that was being shot for a documentary that coincided with the Zogby poll.

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