Tyranny today would be considered a dictatorship and even though Plato wrote those words hundreds of years before Jesus and only 100 years or so after the idea was first attempted in Athens he described what happened to lots of great democracy's that were to follow. Chile, Egypt, Panama, Italy, Venezuela, Germany, Bolivia, are some of the more recent governments who degenerated from democracy into dictatorships. Their leader's were elected and then took over as dictators. Hosni Mubarak, Vladimir Putin, Benito Mussolini and a long list of power hungry individuals have wooed voters with an idea that they can fix whatever it is that;s bothering them. When the obvious truth is if 1 person can fix the problem, they have way too much power. But because they keep promising to fix whatever it is that's bothering the voters, the voters keep giving them more power. Until it's too late and then the power is too centralized and can't be taken back.
I think it's obvious that American's are not happy with their government and have been begging for an answer for a while. Congress approval ratings have been between 9 and 19 percent for 20 years. From 2006 on President Bush had an approval rating between 30 and 40 percent. The same thing happened to Obama when he began his 2nd term.
In other words we have been frustrated with government for a long time. Following Plato's theory the laws would be loosened to accommodate the will of the citizens who wanted more freedoms that decent people didn't. Recreational marijuana laws, gay marriage, and prostitution is being legalized all over this country. That divides us more and now the people on the right want someone to turn it around. One of Trump's promises is to get rid of happy holidays and make us all say Merry Christmas.
For people who are freaking out over the liberalism of our country this kind of promise is what they were dying to hear! It doesn't matter to them that he would have to violate our constitution in a spectacular way to achieve it. What else is bothering you? ISIS "I'll bomb the s--t out of them" says Trump. The other GOP candidates actually recognize that they have to work with Congress and allies and try to explain how they would put that together, all the voters just hear blah blah. Anything else? Illegal aliens? "I'll deport 12 million people so fast it will make your head spin". Except there's no way to do that. "I'll build the biggest wall you've ever seen and make Mexico pay for it". Problem solved. Actually not because most of the drugs and aliens that get here do so right through security. And when the other candidates try to explain the complexities of immigration the people on the right scream "fix it already".
If we follow Plato's overview of the psychology of a society when they replace democracy with a dictator the American people are ripe for a dictator. And when you look at the characteristics of a dictator Psychology Today says They are usually charming, charismatic, and intelligent. They brim with self-confidence and independence, and exude sexual energy. They are also extremely self-absorbed, masterful liars, compassionless, often sadistic, and possess a boundless appetite for power
Very few people would say Trump doesn't have most of these qualities. Compassionless and sadistic are the 2 his supporters would say he doesn't. Well what do you call it when a person mocks another who has a disability. When other candidates were offering prayers and sympathies to the families of victims of a mass shooting in Oregon Trump was on MSNBC Morning Joe and said "What are you going to do, institutionalize everybody?… That’s the way the world works, and that’s the way the world always has worked.” He went on to say "these things happen". I'd call it compassionless. What about a man who says “When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives. Don’t kid yourself. But they say they don’t care about their lives. You have to take out their families.” That's a candidate for President saying he would order our troops do commit war crimes. And the murder of innocent people, no matter what the reason, is sadistic.
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