Thursday, March 10, 2016

A preview of the ad Dems will run against Trump.

The son of a wealthy businessman takes up the family business and becomes even more wealthy. He actually builds a national reputation for himself. And he uses that national fame to talk about how America used to be respected but because of our weak, ineffectual, leaders of the past 20 years or so we're now the laughing stock of the world. We're losing a war to a rag tag bunch of radicals who are taking down what at one time was the greatest military machine in the history of the world. As your President he will restore the military to their former glory. He will defeat that group of radicals so fast it will make our heads spin. And then he'll bring back the jobs because unlike most politicians he has actually employed thousands of people and he understands the economy a lot better than any of these so called experts.
That sounds a lot like the platform of Donald Trump. It is in fact the platform of Barry Goldwater. His dad founded Goldwater's Department store. When Barry took it over he grew it so the name Goldwater was famous! He was frustrated with the direction this country was taking. It was almost as if it didn't matter who was running it from a party stance. The Republican Eisenhower was as bad as the Dems Johnson and Truman. The GOP ran a moderate in 1960 in Nixon and we saw how that went. It was time for a man of the people to show how true conservative principals would win not only the election but win back our pride. We were getting killed in Vietnam by some group of people who had no business messing with the US military. All Americans were frustrated over that. All Americans felt like the federal government was moving in the wrong direction. And all Americans wanted change. LBJ should have been easy pickings for the Republicans.  In August of 63 the VP was dragged into a scandal because his protege, Senate Majority Leader Bobby Baker, was alleged to be involved with bribery and kickbacks to the VP. Baker resigned and the investigation was squashed. But LBJ was considered dirty then by the American public. Much like Hillary is today.

Goldwater's inability to connect with the middle wasn't because he was a far right politician. It came from his speech patterns. He seemed dangerous to people the way he wanted to wipe out the Vietcong. He seemed crazy. These are the same phrases being used to discuss the GOP front runner today. Goldwater's nomination led to the biggest defeat in GOP history.
Not only was he skunked outside of the south and his home state but in Congress 36 Republicans lost their seats to Democrats for one of the biggest shifts in Congressional history. And the Senate swung even more to the Democrats giving them a 68-32 majority. So if Trump goes on to win the nomination, this is the type of advertisement you should expect to see running this Summer. And you probably should expect a Democrat in the White House with some restored power in Congress so they can move their liberal agenda which the GOP has been able to block for the most part since the 2012 elections. On the positive side Goldwater's crushing defeat cleared the way for a new crop of Republicans which finally took over the party 16 years later it what's now known as the Reagan Revolution. If history repeats itself we are setting ourselves up for a Conservative revolution in 2032.  

This campaign ad from the 1960's is going viral
This "Confessions of a Republican" ad from the 1964 presidential election is going viral, thanks to its uncanny relevance to the 2016 presidential election.
Posted by Quartz on Tuesday, March 8, 2016

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