Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The will of the parties vs the will of the people

As I've been saying for some time now Bernie Sanders doesn't have a chance of beating Hillary Clinton. The main reason is because the Democratic party doesn't want an outsider. Here's a great news clip explaining how the party is structured to prevent Sanders from winning no matter how many people vote for him.
Reality Check: Dem Super-delegates Include Registered Lobbyists!

Reality Check: Dem Super-delegates Include Registered Lobbyists!

Posted by Ben Swann on Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Now if you couldn't watch that, the gist is the party doesn't want grass roots candidates rocking their world. And it may shock you to learn that I agree with them. It's their party. They are the ones who run it, and fund it, and live it all year long. Let the party choose their candidate, which is why I have often said all primaries should be closed.

The Republicans are the same way. They only started allowing voters to have a say in their candidates 80 years ago. They thought it might help them come up with someone who could knock off FDR. But now that the voters in this primary may actually select a candidate that doesn't represent who the party feels they are, they are in scramble mode to stop him. The Dems have done a better job of thinking ahead. Their fix was put in a long time ago with "super delegates". The GOP will either be obvious about stripping Trump, or they will suffer through his candidacy. But a party is not the people! It's a political party.

For as long as I can remember there have been 2 parties. GOP (Republicans) and the Democratic party (Democrats). But there have always been other parties. Still rocking since the 1970's is the Libertarian party. People concerned about the environment have the Green party. Jim Rex and Oscar Lovelace started their own party a few years ago in SC called the The American Party.
When I bring this up that there are more than 2 candidates for most offices, people poo poo the idea of a third party ever winning an election. The money and power and everything is thrown behind the 2 big parties. Which is why you will never change them! The parties are designed to keep the power brokers the power brokers. It is rigged against you. However the American political system is not.

Bernie Sanders is an Independent . That means he ran against the Dems and the Gop and won. Today Bernie is 74 years old and represents a state with 626,000 citizens. If Vermont was a city it would rank #26 behind Nashville. He's an old man from a state that no one cares about, representing virtually no one. Congressman represent approximately 700,000 people each. Because a state has to have 2 Senators, Bernie only reps 313,000 people, while their sole Congressman, Peter Welch reps the whole state. All of that to say Bernie has no business starting a revolution. But he has. Millions of Americans love his message. If it was a general election, just the will of the voters, I have no doubt that Bernie would actually crush Hillary Clinton.  Bernie has raised about 100 million with 98% of that coming from donations of $200 or less. Hillary has doubled his donations at 216 million however 19% came in donations of $200 or less. The fat cats love Hillary and that shows in the coffers, but their votes are no more important than anyone else's. As far as sheer number of donations received, Sanders is the most popular candidate in our history! The 2,513,665 donations to Sanders’ campaign shatters the record set by  Barack Obama’s re-election committee. Through Dec. 31st, Obama had chalked up 2,209,636 donations.

American's need to wake up and recognize that they have been hypnotized by the political parties! And it's not like we weren't warned! John Adams said
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution. Our first President George Washington stated in his farewell address;The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty

The 2 party system divides and conquers. Most Americans who vote, are not loyal to a party. The over whelming majority of voters don't register for a party but Pew Research reveals that most voters identify as Independent.

That means the parties have to ask people to support their candidate. And I know there's a large portion, perhaps not the majority, but a great number of people who support these parties somewhat begrudgingly because they feel it's the only way to make sure "the bad guys" don't win. They don't agree with their parties platform entirely, but feel like they have to join a force greater than themselves to stop what they see as bad policies. If you're a Democrat who is pro life you are brain washed! Your party's platform doesn't line up with who you are, so stop working against yourself. There are plenty of people who would love to run, that are pro life and also for more gun restrictions or whatever your "liberal" hot buttons are. If you're a Republican who wants more union leadership in the workplace, you need to wake up. I'm sure there are some folks begging to run as budget conscience, strong military candidates who want unions to rep the working folks.

I hope that Trump gets stripped, and Sanders gets screwed, and enough Americans get angry, to say they will never support a party again. If that happens we'll start getting more candidates. And the will of the people will begin to be represented, instead of the will of the parties. We need to convince Americans that voting for someone you believe in, is never throwing your vote away. That is a trick of the parties. A vote for so and so is a vote for individual you can't stand. But a primary isn't an election. This isn't your vote. This is you participating in a nomination process for the one of the two parties to then select a candidate to go into an election where everyone will vote. This is still the will of the party not the people. Let's not make it so the will of the party over throws the will of the people.

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