Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What did we learn from Election Night 2008?

Put down the bottle and let's get back to class!

What did we learn last night?

As I write this the Republican party is having an emergency meeting to figure out what our message should be. They are concerned that Obama was able to out spend McCain considerably on TV in regards to every issue. (It appears no one cares about the enviroment.)

Republicans are fearing that the country has turned towards socialism. Some have even suggested the G.O.P should R.I.P!


Republican values are far from dead! We were beaten by an extraordinary speech maker with a positive message of change. In 1992 and 1996 we were beaten by an extraordinary speech maker with a positive message of hope. They beat us at our own game! The Republican message won, it just came from Democrats who delivered it better! Obama and Clinton both ran on lowering your taxes. We barked "we'll cut em too"! And then the side by side comparison shows Obama and Clinton's tax cuts if passed would lower taxes for most Americans more than McCain's, Doles, or G.H.W Bush. The Republican party then gets in to these yelling matches where we're saying they're lying, or it's a redistribution of wealth and that's socialism or blah blah blah. The average American has now tuned us out because we're flustered, and yelling. No one wants to hear that. So how do Republicans battle the tax myth? In a calm simple way ask the question,"how much money do you need in your budget to accomplish all of your plans"? The follow up question is "where will the extra revenue come from"? Our simple message should be "our annual budget is less, so we will tax Americans less". Keep it simple, direct, to the point. According to Businessweek and the non partisan Tax Policy Center, Obama's proposals will increase government spending by 734 Billion dollars over the next decade. McCain's proposals would have slashed it by 253 Billion. That's roughly a 1 trillion dollar swing!

The best part of this process is Dem's explaining where the extra money will come from. It's magical as Democrats transform right before your eyes in to Robin Hood! Here's the last DNC group shot.

Democrats are going to tax the wealthiest individuals and corporations, because "they need to make some sacrifices too". The average American hears that and thinks "yeah let the big guy pay a little more for the next four years". Unfortunately the wealthiest individuals and corporations are not prisoners here, so they move. Wealthy people move to Bermuda, The Cayman Islands, and suddenly The Netherlands is hot. Big companies move to where cheap labor is. Of course they can choose to stay in the well because the rich have the best lawyers to find the best loopholes. Either way, middle class Americans are left to pay the tab on our governments liberal spending. Republicans, your job is to offer the alternative! Lower our budget, so you can lower our taxes, which will grow our economy! Where do you cut? That's the next lesson. Probably sometime next week. Over the following weeks and months I'll cover other Republican values as well. Seperation of Church & State? Abortion? Military spending etc. I'd also love to hear your feedback. I love my God, my family, my country, my party in that order. And because I love my country more than my party, I will be praying for the success of Barack Obama, and the Democratic run Senate and Congress. I hope you'll join me in that prayer.

A quick history lesson on taxes. Peace time, Federal Income Tax was sold to the American public in 1894 as the Wilson-Gorman Tarriff and it promised only the wealthiest 10 percent of Americans would have to pay taxes. Americans voted for it, because they liked the idea of the big guys helping out more. Well that didn't turn out as they planned, which lead to the 16th Amendment . Which lead to the Income Tax Law of 1913, which promised to only tax people in the upper 1 percentile! Again we fell for it. In no short order the federal government found a gold mine in our pockets and has been determined ever since to spend every penny...and then some...for our own good of course.

1 comment:

Nette said...

Awesome! I completely agree with everything you said. Mind if I put a link to your blog on mine? (By the way, this is Lynette, one of your myspace friends)

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