Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why Citigroup should have got their new jet

Yesterday Obama put pressure on Citigroup to cancel their order of a 45 million dollar jet. Citigroup had received 45 BILLION DOLLARS a few months ago from the Federal government because they were on the verge of going out of business. The government decided Citigroup was too big to fail. Too many people would lose their jobs, and just about every American would be effected negatively by the collapse of Citigroup. So fueled with the best of intentions the government spent 45 billion dollars to keep Citigroup alive.

According to Henry Paulson the former Treasury Secretary, Citigroup and in fact all of the banks didn't want the bailout, because they were afraid the government would start tinkering with their business. Paulson had to assure them that the Feds would stay out of their affairs, but wanted them to take the money to keep the credit markets flowing.

The banks fear started to come true yesterday with the call from Obama. The point isn't whether buying a jet is the proper move for the bank. The point is once government gets involved in your business they want to run it. That's tinkering with the free market. What about the jet manufacturer that lost a 45 million dollar sale because of Obama's call? Are they going to have to layoff people now? Would there have been any pressure from Obama if Citigroup was spending 45 million on electric cars for their executives? What if the 45 million was for solar panels to help power their banks? Will all future purchases have to get government approval?

If the government hadn't bailed out Citigroup, those people buying the 45 million dollar jet would be out of a job by now. The market would be falling deeper in to a recession. Thousands more would be unemployed. But the reality is that's what the market needs. Once we hit our bottom we can start to rebuild. The best thing would be for us to get to our bottom fast so we can get out of this quicker. Instead of dragging it out for years or even a decade like we did with the socialist programs of the 30's, or Japan in the 90's. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the mood of the country who continue to pray for a miraculous turn around brought on by the super intelligence of a few men in Washington. You could gather 1 million of the most brilliant men in Washington and they can't legislate us out of this. It was legislation that tinkered with the free market and got us in to this!

Citigroup should have gotten their jet, and run their business as they see fit. If they go out of business, other banks would get more business and hire more people. Instead they caved and have given government more leverage to expect them to respond to more "advice" in the future.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Should Republicans hope for Obama to fail?

That was the big question all weekend after Rush Limbaugh said "I hope he fails". Isn't that being a hypocrite? Didn't Rush and most Republicans say you have to support our President especially when the country is at war? So what's good for them doesn't apply when a Democrat is in power? Conservatives, if they were fair, should be rushing (no pun intended) to Obama's defense, and yet they're silent! Well the headlines and news shows covered the story as "I hope he fails", but what did Limbaugh actually say? He actually wants Obama's policy proposal to fail. If the Government does nothing, that would be far better than adding 825 billion to our headache.
If you believe in smaller government than you have to hope Obama fails, because if he succeeds in passing his proposal, it will hurt the country. Now if he gets it passed and spends the 825 billion only a fool would say I hope that the stimulus package fails, because then you are rooting against America, not Obama. I have no ill will towards Obama. I have voluminous ill will for his proposals. I know the bigger the government, the bigger the problems. They have proven consistently for 200 years they are inept at running anything. From DMV, to medicare, to social security, to their own cafeteria. Which taxpayers had to subsidize. No matter what government takes over, it never goes well. So why would I want them in charge of our healthcare, the auto industry, the banks, our energy etc?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Am I smarter than a Professor at MIT?

No I am not smarter than any M.I.T. Professor. Sadly though being smart doesn’t mean you grasp problems. This morning around 5:15a as I was driving to work I heard Dr Simon Johnson on NPR. He is a very decorated economist and currently a professor at M.I.T. Previously he was a member of the U.S. Securities Exchange commission in the Clinton administration and the Chief Economist for the IMF till August of last year. There’s no way I’m smarter than this guy. However he amazingly has no idea what is currently happening with the economy. I was able to deduce that when he said “The U.S. doesn’t currently have too much debt so we can afford the bad bank program”. This site will scare you if you have no idea how in debt we are. It’s a very fluid situation but it’s safe to say it’s over 10 trillion dollars, while some estimates have us at over 50 trillion. But let’s use the lowest figure. 10 Trillion dollars makes us the most in debt country in the world!

Perhaps Dr Johnson developed his position on percentage of debt compared to our GDP. Then we’re way better off compared to every country in Europe, but still running at about 100 percent. Yes what we make every year is how far we go in debt every year. By a 3rd graders comprehension this can’t be healthy, and can’t be sustained for an extended period.

Dr Johnson and the Obama team are suggesting the reason we’re in this problem is a lack of confidence in the banking industry and by consumers in general. If we can get the banks to lend money and consumers to start spending like they did in years past then companies will start hiring again. That would be true except for one major flaw. We are out of money.

What I mean by that is for years Americans consumed more than they earned. The average American since 2004 spent $1.02 for every dollar they earned. Most did that because they were able to get home equity loans. House prices were rising at record rates, so why not take out some that equity and spend it on trips, clothes, home improvements etc? The government policies of tinkering with the free market drove up home prices, and kept interest rates artificially low. If the Government had not taken an interest in trying to get every American to own a home, there would be less buyers. That would have kept prices stable. Which would have stopped people from getting home equity loans. It also would have slowed the economy to a real rate. Car sales wouldn’t have exploded, Construction wouldn’t have exploded. Computer sales, retail, service industries all would have kept growing at a much slower pace than the explosion that has taken place since around 1995.

The artificial growth of our economy also grew our tax base, and as we know government at any size will spend every penny. Now that our tax base is shrinking local, state and federal government is scrambling to find new ways of taxing us.

Recession is another way of saying our economy is shrinking. It’s shrinking to it’s proper size. Millions of people will lose their jobs. That doesn’t change the fact that we need this recession. The economy will grow again when some of these people who are currently out of work start new businesses. It will take years for us to right ourselves, but we will do it. The worst thing we can do now is try to “stimulate” the economy. This not only stalls true recovery but adds to the problem by adding more debt.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Are you tired of hearing how amazing Obama is?

Yesterday I was at the gym and Forest Whitaker was on Oprah explaining that Barack showed the country it's OK to be passionate with your wife. Because we've never seen a President dance that way with his wife before. I thought "What?". Oprah said that simply because Barack is our President it not only makes her want to be a better person, she is in fact already a better person. I thought "Huh?". For months I've had to listen about what a moron our President was. Only electing Obama could make this country whole and respectable again. Today on NPR they interviewed an English Baroness at the U.N. who said the election of Obama returned America to prominence. These types of statements by "citizens of the world", both here and abroad, have been consistent for about 6 months now. They don't even make sense!

I remember watching Jimmy Carter get uncomfortably freaky with Rosalyn on the dance floor, and many tender moments with all the Presidents and their wives through the years. America has been the prominent country in the world since WWII. If not us, whom? China? Russia? England? Which country was the world looking to the past 8 years? It's like a large part of this country and the world have popped wacky tablets and can't remember what life was really like before Obama!

Then I had a revelation. Of course I have always known it was going to be a big deal that Obama was our first black President. But perhaps it was I who had popped the wacky tablet. No one who reads this was a slave, had a friend who was a slave, or even a parent who was a slave. There might be a few people whose grand parents or great grand parents were slaves. I had a great grandmother who was an American Indian. She was a tad bitter about how her entire village was forced on to a reservation in CT. And while I had sympathy for her and how her life turned out, it never effected mine. Because although my roots are Indian, African, European, Asian, and from all corners of the world, (just like everyone else) I look white. It was easy for me to believe in school in the 70's that I could grow up and do anything I wanted, because I looked like the people doing the big things.

I grew up in a lower middle class town, so I had friends who looked like the rainbow. Friends with names like Esdars Chisolm, & Freddie Diaz were less likely to believe they could achieve anything they dreamed of, because no one who looked like them had ever done it before. Since the 70's we've had numerous minorities rise to very high positions in all walks of life. Robert Johnson started BET, Oprah became a household name & billionaire, Richard Parsons became CEO of Time Warner and then Citigroup. The CEO's of Aetna, McDonald's, Merril Lynch, Xerox, American Express to name some biggies, are all minorities. Colin Powel was not only a 4 star General but became Secretary of State, and was replaced by Condoleeza Rice. Minority Governors, Senators, Congress people, and mayors of major city's. Business, politics, sports, entertainment, military it seemed like all the doors have swung wide open. America had transformed itself in to the country where you truly were judged by the content of your character. But a lot of those changes came in the last 20 years. They had heard all they could stand about George Washinton Carver and his damn peanuts! All of the other famous minority leaders were pretty much Civil rights oriented, but not a whole lot of Mexican Governors, or Black CEO's in the 70's or before. So anyone over 30, who is a minority, has a whole different perspective on opportunity than a white man. They've seen the changes in their lifetime, but wondered how real is it. A couple of politicians, and a handful of CEO's is a start, but will it last? Now their glass ceiling has been shattered. The most powerful man in the world is a minority. Will minorities still miss out on jobs because of the color of their skin. Never again! Just kidding. Of course they will. Is there now reverse discrimination against white men? Absolutely. The playing field will never be level till we get to heaven, but as a society we're getting better every day. So if "citizens of the world" who have been prejudiced against most of their lives want to celebrate this enormous occasion for a few years, I guess we should all just sit back and let them go nuts. Telling them they're being irrational certainly isn't going to help anything. And if my great grandmother was alive and an American Indian became President I'm sure she'd take a break from being ticked that her tribe didn't get a casino, (yeah if she'd only been a Mohegan I'd be rich!) and go crazy for the next few years.

To our leaders in Washington this doesn't mean you rubber stamp Obama's socialist movement. Fight it tooth & nail! We can ill afford to have a government, irregardless of who is the President, running our business's for us. And that's exactly Obama's plan, with the very unassuming pleasant sounding names of "stimulus", "job creation", & "bailout". Their real names are "state run", "communist" & "Marxism". History is clear that whenever any government from any nation starts running any business it always turns out bad. Government can't create jobs without running the business. Government can't stimulate the economy by flooding it with freshly printed money. And it can't bail us out with money it doesn't have.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

An open letter to Time magazine

Dear Editors of Time magazine,
When you publish op ed pieces it's very important to have the facts checked. Your Jan 19th 2009 print edition features an opinion piece filled with misleading facts written by Jeffery Sachs of Columbia University. The cornerstone of Mr Sachs article is that Americans are taxed at 18% of GDP and Europeans are taxed at 28% of GDP. This tax difference began in the 1970's. And now the Europeans enjoy better health care, the elimination of poverty, and improved educations, because of their increased tax burden. Unfortunately the facts are in opposition to Mr Sachs case. Starting with health care. If 30 plus years ago the European health care began to improve, then their life expectancy should have as well.
However the CIA World factbook has life expectancy for for the U.S. and most European country's at 78, with Poland is laging at 75.

As for education a European compilation lists 11 of the top 15 universities in the world in the US including state schools like Penn State, Cal Tech and others. Because school districts are run at local levels we can't address anything other than college results. But the fact is if you want the best education in the world, you come to America.

As for poverty, it doubled between 1970 and 1990 in the United Kingdom. Currently 20% are considered "very poor". The European term for poverty. The US is at 12.5% and has been for years. Not that anyone should be happy with 12.5% of Americans being in poverty, but the facts bear out that the exact opposite is true from what Mr Sachs argued. Europeans increased tax burden has not improved their region but weakened it in comparison to the United States. So again the facts tell a different story.

In France 10,000 people die each year because of their socialized medicine. And they're boasting that it's only 10,000 dead per year. Another half million suffer severe adverse effects from things like confusion of the patients name. When we hear about someone getting the wrong leg amputated or something sad because of misreading names we are saddened but understand that the people responsible will have a penalty from fines to prison. A story in todays London Times shows there's 130,000 casses a year of doctors doing wrong procedures on patients. In Europe there is no punishment because you can't sue the government, and with medical people underpaid and overworked by the government accidents are going to happen. Our country and systems aren't perfect. But if we're going to debate the merits of ideas, then it's only fair to present the facts of history as well.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Is this really how you heal a country?

AP reports today that Michigan Democrat John Conyers has introduced legislation to form a committee to see if anyone in the Bush administration broke the law while working on national security. I'm assuming here that Sen Conyers feels like the world is outraged by our torture of inmates, and in order to regain our respectability we must prosecute those who have besmirched our good name.

Sen Conyers should be reminded of a few things. John I hope you're reading this. First, the election of Obama has already cleared the American people with the "citizens of the world". Second, 47% of the country voted against Obama so despite the chorus of glee from the left, almost half the country isn't for this administration, and a lot of us believe the 44th administration will be one of the most dangerous to our long term health in this country. You can't argue that we're wrong, anymore than we could argue that you were wrong with Bush. It's an opinion. So if you really want to start trying to build some unity, the last thing you do is say we're going after the administration that was twice elected and served 8 years. I don't care if Bush's approval rating was as low as the Houses (oh did you forget that Bush still has an approval rating more than twice that of you and your pals on the hill?) it's never a unifying thing to go after Presidents. Finally, let's stop pointing fingers. We could still be pointing at shady things about Obama that were getting traction just before the election but thankfully the majority of our side has let it go. Both of us are saddled with kook fringes, that we can't be held responsible for. So anyone who starts ranting about illegal campaign contributions, Bill Ayers, stolen speeches, Jeremiah Wright, ties to dirty politics in Chicago, etc we consider them our kook right. It'll be back in 2012 and open for discussion then, but for now it should sit quietly.
So Sen Conyers, put your legislation away. Tuesday will be a huge day in DC. Go to the parties, live it up, and let Obama start leading you and your boys. That is the best thing you can do for yourself, your party, and the country.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

What is the definition of Communism

According to Webster the definition is : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed. In all of recorded history Communism has never "worked". Meaning instead of some people lowering their standard of life so that everyone else can raise their level, so that all citizens share a comfortable lifestyle. Not for a lack of trying! François-Noël Babeuf lead a socialist revolution in France in the late 1700's, and before he was executed said; "Society must be made to operate in such a way that it eradicates once and for all the desire of a man to become richer, or wiser, or more powerful than others". Since then wonderful intentioned people as diverse as Susan B Anthony to John Lennon have pushed for socialist/communist governments. Currently China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, & Vietnam have government for the common good. And some of the most deplorable living situations in the civilized world. The Soviet Union was suffering under communism till 1990. As bad as things are currently in Russia, their citizens see a way of improving their lives through Capitalism. When they strive harder to improve their lives, the entire country benefits from increased production.

So knowing that it has been attempted numerous times and failed every time, any one who would propose anything like it again would be insane. Because insanity is trying the same thing over and over expecting a different result. I'm sorry to announce that President elect Obama is apparently insane. George Stephanopoulos blogs that in his interview with Obama that will air tomorrow: I asked the president-elect, "At the end of the day, are you really talking about over the course of your presidency some kind of grand bargain? That you have tax reform, healthcare reform, entitlement reform including Social Security and Medicare, where everybody in the country is going to have to sacrifice something, accept change for the greater good?" Obama said "Yes". Again, when you ask human beings to sacrifice for the greater good, we all suffer. We must all contact our Reps to let them know that we don't want to Socialist or Communist reform.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Reintroducing Milton Friedman

I received a call from an old friend today and as with most of conversations they either turn to Christ (my favorite subject) or politics (my 2nd favorite). This one ended up in the latter, and at some point I brought up Milton Friedman. My friend is around 30 and it dawned on me that a lot of young conservatives may not be familiar with the brilliance of Friedman.

He was an economist who rose to national fame in the 60's and 70's. He was a supporter of the New Deal till he challenged his own theories, and his conclusions shocked him. That Government can't manage the economy, because people will know what they're doing and adjust their habits to neutralize the goal. That there will always be a rate of unemployment so it only harms the rest of the country to try and create jobs for the 5% or so who don't want them. He then created his own theory called Monetarism. His theory predicted in the 60's an effect that our government deficit spending would create in the 70's called stagflation. That's when the economy becomes stagnant but inflation rises. Other economists laughed at him, but his model was shockingly accurate. In 1976 he won the Nobel prize for his theory and work.

His true value to us is his ability to break down complex issues so we all can understand. Here he is on the Phil Donahue show in the 70's. This 2 minute clip was the inspiration for the great scene with Michael Douglas in Wall Street.

If you want to learn more from Friedman we're fortunate that he hosted his own show where he taught his principals on public television in the early 80's, and recorded lot's of lectures. There are hours and hours of Friedman material on youtube. I'll leave you this incredible 30 minute interview from the 60's. Great quotes include "I admire the softness of their hearts, but it very often extends to their head as well." & "The problem is they feel like the people need to have Big Brother look out for them, when in fact Big Brother is supposed to be the one being watched by the people".

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fixing the middle east in one post.

I’m under the impression most people have no clue what’s happening in the middle east. They hear things like Gaza is shooting rockets at Israel, and Israel is now attacking and won’t let Gaza civilians receive medical attention or food. We’re told this war has existed for thousands of years and will continue till the end of time. Maybe the hostilities will continue, but I think the U.S. position needs to be clear.

The back story. Judea was the land of the Jews. Romans captured the country and renamed it Palestine. Later Palestine was conquered by the Arabs who ruled Palestine for over 1000 years. In 1917 things went nuts. The Balfour Declaration from the British Government who was the worlds super power of the day announced; the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" with the understanding that "nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine. Understandably the Arabs weren’t thrilled with that idea and rioted continuously and attacked the Jews who tried to move back in to the land. 30 years and 2 world wars later the U.N. designated the formation of a country for the Jews to be called Israel. Immediately the Jews and Arabs went to war and the Jews won. The Jews then expanded on the land the U.N. had designated claiming that was their right for winning the war. There have been skirmishes ever since and wars in 1956, 67, 73, & 82. Israel now controls both the Gaza strip and the Golan Heights which are part of Palestine. They have maintained control since the won the war in 1967

It doesn’t help that the land the U.N. designated to create Israel is smack dab in the middle of Palestine. Palestine is currently divided in 3 Golan to the north, the West Bank and the tiny little Gaza strip to the south. So you can understand why the people of Palestine are ticked. If the U.N. created a country and put it between Philly, Pittsburgh and NY Americans would be ready to fight I’m sure. On the flip side The Jews did nothing wrong. They are an incredible group of people who without a homeland for thousands of years, maintained their identity. No other group has done that. When you read ancient text accounts of the Canaanites, and the Ammonites, you also read of the Jews. No other group survived. When nations were conquered, the survivors melded in to the dominant nationality, and became Romans and then Arabs or even British. But the Jews survived and the U.N. decided to return part of their homeland to them. Of course they should take it! And be proud of it.

The solution according to both the experts and from surveys of Palestine and Israel citizens is called the The 2 State Solution. So all we have to do is draw up some borders that both sides can agree to and it’s over. But here’s the rub. Every time negotiations start rolling folks in the Gaza strip start firing off rockets in to Israel. For the past 4 years that’s been going on and while only a few Israelis have died, many have lost homes, property, and of course are under the constant threat that a rocket is going to sail through their window. Israel which ranks 3rd in the world by combat power behind America and China, has shown great restraint in not attacking Gaza. But it makes negotiations impossible. Gaza has their own leaders separate from the West Bank and Golan. Gaza elected the party Hamas. Hamas started in 1987 as a party that prides itself on suicide bombings of Israelis and social programs for Palestinians. It’s like the mob in NY. You know they’re killing and robbing other people but they feed the less fortunate in the neighborhood, so you like having em around. But you know they're bad. Never forget that Hamas is evil. Hamas charter calls for the end of Israel by any means possible. When Hamas candidate Dr Al-Zahar won the Presidency of Gaza in 2006 he gave an interview where he said he dreams of new maps with no Israel on it. This is consistent with Hamas co founder Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi statement in 2002 that Hamas would remove Israel from the map. That was shortly before Abdel himself was removed from the map by an Israeli missile into his car. Before he left this earth he announced that God hates Israel and America.
If all this rhetoric sounds familiar it's because it's awful similar to Iran’s president Ahmadinejad announcing that Israel must be wiped off the map. The U.S. State Dept announced years ago that Hamas was being funded by Iran so this position of their President wasn’t a surprise. So you understand what IRan is funding, the money is to pay poor people to become suicide bombers, and pay their family upon completion of the mission.
I almost forgot! Article 32 of Hamas charter states that Zionists “aspire to expand from the Nile to Euphrates. We must not rest until we destroy the Zionist entity”. In case you’re unclear on Zionism it’s the belief that Jews should have a homeland. So America & England are tops on that list of must be destroyed. Knowing that as the back ground you have to laugh when the head of Hamas now says “we mean no harm to Israel or the Jews of the world. We just want them to stop attacking us so we can negotiate”.

In the opinion of Hamas, and Iran, the west led by America and Europe, is the only reason there is an Israel. So they want to end Israel and then turn on us. In the same speech Ahmeadinejad announced Israel must be wiped off the map he said "Many who are disappointed in the struggle between the Islamic world and the infidels…say it is not possible to have a world without the United States and Zionism. But you know that this is a possible goal and slogan." He also calls us The Great Satan. So again it’s laughable when he tells 60 Minutes in an interview “it's wrong to think that Iran and the U.S. are walking towards war. Who says so? Why should we go to war?". Of course they don't want a war with us. Iran and Gaza can’t go to war with anyone…yet. But they are building up. They are trying to pursuade Egypt, Jordan, and all Muslim nations to join them. In the mean time they have thousands of suicide bombers ready to go. 10,000 Iranians volunteered last week to go to Gaza to blow themselves up in the hope of killing Jews.

In 07 Ahmeadinejad said "Suicide bombers in this land showed us the way, and they enlighten our future. the will to commit suicide is one of the best ways of life."

We’re dealing with mad men intent on leading their people to war with us. Political correctness will kill us all if we don’t respond properly to the threats. When we treat Hamas like a regular political party it’s the same as treating the Fascists, or the Nazi’s as a regular party. All 3 were elected by their nation to lead, but if their goal is end our way of life, we can’t allow them to sit at the table and persuade other nations they mean no harm. Cry it out from the roof tops and expose them as pure evil. Then don’t back down. Bush was right in 02 when he called out Iran, Iraq, and North Korea as the Axis of Evil. Iran is no longer in a position to sponsor terror, as they had for decades. North Korea was a monster for years with 200,000 political prisoners according to Amnesty International who said those prisoners are raped, starved, and used for medical experiments. Until recently people were executed for listening to radio stations from South Korea. In the 70’s & 80’s North Korea had people hijack planes with westerners on to execute them. But they changed their ways in the 90’s and began sponsoring Libya and Syria with weapons in their attempts to bring down the U.S. Since being called out North Korea is turning around. Kim Jung has actually started introducing Capitalism. Most importantly they have shut down their nuclear weapons program, and are no longer dealing with Syria. Libya of course has had a turnaround of it’s own the past few years, and is now an Allie of ours.
The last 4 years Bush has gotten wishy washy about holding up Hamas and Iran and saying these leaders are not to be trusted. We will not negotiate with them, they are terrorists who have no honor. We need to remind the world and ourselves of how bad they are so there is no confusion. Israel will remain a country. They want to work with the leaders of Palestine to draw up a 2 state map, but can not work with Hamas. Iran will do what it can to end the peace process because they want war. When it’s out in the open you can see through the veiled attempts at peace. It’s important to know your adversary, and what their goals really are. I beg our leaders to tell Americans and the world the truth and face the criticism that comes for being insensitive to other cultures. The criticism can’t kill you. Hamas and Iran can.

Once the world sees these groups for what they are, the groups will be forced to change or face the cold reality that they’re going it alone. Either way we’re all better off.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A libs concern for Republicans

Well it's the first Monday of the new year and time to start cleaning up the mess of what's left of the Republican party, and begin building our foundation for 2010.

A concerned liberal friend of mine wrote me an e-mail over the weekend that included an article from a guy who was pointing out that Republicans are basically all white guys, and suggested we don’t want minorities in the party. This friend has sent several e-mails in the past that have inspired intense dialogue. My friend has never given me permission to reprint his e-mail. So today I will present the gist of his and then reprint my response. You'll notice the 2nd response is a little more passionate

As for this article the guy is obviously of the belief that Republicans don't want anyone other than white guys in the party, and uses facts to build his case. However the truth is that Democrats have done a better job of attracting minorities, and hence they have more candidates that are minorities.
The Republican party I believe is going to change, and probably not how liberals expect. Conservatives are going to reclaim the party and stop chasing moderates. It's a race to the center every election with who can be the least offensive candidate. That ends up with both parties looking very similar and most people frustrated. See to see how liberals are frustrated already with Obama. The Republicans are way more frustrated than that with Bush, and our leaders, so expect to see conservatism rise on this side of the isle. I believe that once a clear message of what conservative values are is sent out a number of minorities will respond and want to be a part of that. A young man up in the DC area has already started a movement. I would love to see Michael Steele head up our party, but either way he is becoming a major force for conservatives to reach out to blacks, and invite them to explore our platform. We definitely need to resemble the face of America more so all conservatives feel like their voice is represented. And now that we're starting to get back on point, I think you'll see that begin to happen.

Happy New Years!

My friend then responded that Michael Steele is “too partisan” to attract minorities. He also thought “Rove & Co” tried to shun the center with Bush and that’s why Bush is one of the most polarizing figures in American history. Here’s my response to that!

Michael Steele is a partisan and so am I. You are a partisan too! We have values that we don't waiver on to try and win votes. Bush is so polarizing, because libs were ticked he told them their opinion didn't matter. I hope Obama does the same. As a leader you do what you believe is right. The American people aren't in a position to know how to handle problems, so whatever you and I think is useless. We don't see the reports they see. A lot of info they can't share with us, so all they can do is try and make us feel secure that they know what they're doing. As for the House I expect Republicans to be ticked off at Bailouts, taxes, Supreme court nominations etc. I expect the media won't play it up like they do when the Dems get ticked at what Republicans do. When Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Barbara Boxer, and their gang are screaming about anything, I instinctively know it was the right decision. When they are happy, I'm concerned. So Obama will be just as polarizing a figure as Bush because I and people who think like me believe he's dangerous to the economy, the military, our courts and everything you thought Bush was dangerous for. For Obama's sake I hope he just gives Republicans lip service. Taking meetings with them and acting like he cares what they think, but then does what he feels is right. Because Bush lost the base when he started trying to appease Dems. Then no one wanted to follow. At least 50% want to follow Obama now, like they did Bush 4 years ago. In order to keep that 50% he should close Gitmo, raise taxes on anyone making over 200 grand, and print 1 trillion dollars to start businesses that use solar and wind. All those ideas are horrible from my standpoint but at least he'll be keeping his base happy.
Rove and Co screwed the base with things like No Child left behind, pushing for home ownership for every American, sending out stimulus checks, keeping the borders open and suggesting amnesty for illegal aliens. All things Libs liked at first. It showed he was a moderate with compassion at the time. Liberalism at it's very heart is about compassion. How do we show it? Making sure kids in poor communities get the same education as rich kids, making sure poor families have a chance to start building wealth by owning a home, giving every American some money to help through the rough times, and giving hard working law abiding immigrants the same chance our forefathers had in this great nation. POPPYCOCK! Universal testing leads to universal cheating, because teachers want to keep their jobs, so all kids get cheated out of an education to prepare for a test. People who don't make enough to own a home, can't own a home. It's not the nations job to help them. It's the nations job to give them a chance. Times get rough because the free market says we need to slow down. When the government tinkers, we suffer a lot more down the road. Let the suffering begin! And for every dollar we print to "bail us out" will just extend the length of our misery. Other than the pilgrims, and the slaves, most people's forefathers came through legally. We've had limits on immigration for a number of reasons, and one of them is to make sure people with a stake in this country are the only ones making a living. Immigrants who make money and mail it back to their country are a huge drain on us. Of course I don't blame them, and if in their situation would probably attempt to do the same. But it's not best for the country. McCain was a moderate who got out centered. I and millions of others have been disenfranchised to use a popular term as of late, because while my vote counted, I wasn't given anyone to vote for. Palin, Johnson, Jidel are the first of a new wave of diversity that's coming. Conservatives are getting fired up for 2010. I'm looking to get a few seats back then. But look for a new party by 2012.

So you can see I'm fired up and ready for big changes. Let me know if you are too. In the words of C&C Music Factory; "Let's get this party started right"!

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