Thursday, January 22, 2009

Are you tired of hearing how amazing Obama is?

Yesterday I was at the gym and Forest Whitaker was on Oprah explaining that Barack showed the country it's OK to be passionate with your wife. Because we've never seen a President dance that way with his wife before. I thought "What?". Oprah said that simply because Barack is our President it not only makes her want to be a better person, she is in fact already a better person. I thought "Huh?". For months I've had to listen about what a moron our President was. Only electing Obama could make this country whole and respectable again. Today on NPR they interviewed an English Baroness at the U.N. who said the election of Obama returned America to prominence. These types of statements by "citizens of the world", both here and abroad, have been consistent for about 6 months now. They don't even make sense!

I remember watching Jimmy Carter get uncomfortably freaky with Rosalyn on the dance floor, and many tender moments with all the Presidents and their wives through the years. America has been the prominent country in the world since WWII. If not us, whom? China? Russia? England? Which country was the world looking to the past 8 years? It's like a large part of this country and the world have popped wacky tablets and can't remember what life was really like before Obama!

Then I had a revelation. Of course I have always known it was going to be a big deal that Obama was our first black President. But perhaps it was I who had popped the wacky tablet. No one who reads this was a slave, had a friend who was a slave, or even a parent who was a slave. There might be a few people whose grand parents or great grand parents were slaves. I had a great grandmother who was an American Indian. She was a tad bitter about how her entire village was forced on to a reservation in CT. And while I had sympathy for her and how her life turned out, it never effected mine. Because although my roots are Indian, African, European, Asian, and from all corners of the world, (just like everyone else) I look white. It was easy for me to believe in school in the 70's that I could grow up and do anything I wanted, because I looked like the people doing the big things.

I grew up in a lower middle class town, so I had friends who looked like the rainbow. Friends with names like Esdars Chisolm, & Freddie Diaz were less likely to believe they could achieve anything they dreamed of, because no one who looked like them had ever done it before. Since the 70's we've had numerous minorities rise to very high positions in all walks of life. Robert Johnson started BET, Oprah became a household name & billionaire, Richard Parsons became CEO of Time Warner and then Citigroup. The CEO's of Aetna, McDonald's, Merril Lynch, Xerox, American Express to name some biggies, are all minorities. Colin Powel was not only a 4 star General but became Secretary of State, and was replaced by Condoleeza Rice. Minority Governors, Senators, Congress people, and mayors of major city's. Business, politics, sports, entertainment, military it seemed like all the doors have swung wide open. America had transformed itself in to the country where you truly were judged by the content of your character. But a lot of those changes came in the last 20 years. They had heard all they could stand about George Washinton Carver and his damn peanuts! All of the other famous minority leaders were pretty much Civil rights oriented, but not a whole lot of Mexican Governors, or Black CEO's in the 70's or before. So anyone over 30, who is a minority, has a whole different perspective on opportunity than a white man. They've seen the changes in their lifetime, but wondered how real is it. A couple of politicians, and a handful of CEO's is a start, but will it last? Now their glass ceiling has been shattered. The most powerful man in the world is a minority. Will minorities still miss out on jobs because of the color of their skin. Never again! Just kidding. Of course they will. Is there now reverse discrimination against white men? Absolutely. The playing field will never be level till we get to heaven, but as a society we're getting better every day. So if "citizens of the world" who have been prejudiced against most of their lives want to celebrate this enormous occasion for a few years, I guess we should all just sit back and let them go nuts. Telling them they're being irrational certainly isn't going to help anything. And if my great grandmother was alive and an American Indian became President I'm sure she'd take a break from being ticked that her tribe didn't get a casino, (yeah if she'd only been a Mohegan I'd be rich!) and go crazy for the next few years.

To our leaders in Washington this doesn't mean you rubber stamp Obama's socialist movement. Fight it tooth & nail! We can ill afford to have a government, irregardless of who is the President, running our business's for us. And that's exactly Obama's plan, with the very unassuming pleasant sounding names of "stimulus", "job creation", & "bailout". Their real names are "state run", "communist" & "Marxism". History is clear that whenever any government from any nation starts running any business it always turns out bad. Government can't create jobs without running the business. Government can't stimulate the economy by flooding it with freshly printed money. And it can't bail us out with money it doesn't have.

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