Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Is this really how you heal a country?

AP reports today that Michigan Democrat John Conyers has introduced legislation to form a committee to see if anyone in the Bush administration broke the law while working on national security. I'm assuming here that Sen Conyers feels like the world is outraged by our torture of inmates, and in order to regain our respectability we must prosecute those who have besmirched our good name.

Sen Conyers should be reminded of a few things. John I hope you're reading this. First, the election of Obama has already cleared the American people with the "citizens of the world". Second, 47% of the country voted against Obama so despite the chorus of glee from the left, almost half the country isn't for this administration, and a lot of us believe the 44th administration will be one of the most dangerous to our long term health in this country. You can't argue that we're wrong, anymore than we could argue that you were wrong with Bush. It's an opinion. So if you really want to start trying to build some unity, the last thing you do is say we're going after the administration that was twice elected and served 8 years. I don't care if Bush's approval rating was as low as the Houses (oh did you forget that Bush still has an approval rating more than twice that of you and your pals on the hill?) it's never a unifying thing to go after Presidents. Finally, let's stop pointing fingers. We could still be pointing at shady things about Obama that were getting traction just before the election but thankfully the majority of our side has let it go. Both of us are saddled with kook fringes, that we can't be held responsible for. So anyone who starts ranting about illegal campaign contributions, Bill Ayers, stolen speeches, Jeremiah Wright, ties to dirty politics in Chicago, etc we consider them our kook right. It'll be back in 2012 and open for discussion then, but for now it should sit quietly.
So Sen Conyers, put your legislation away. Tuesday will be a huge day in DC. Go to the parties, live it up, and let Obama start leading you and your boys. That is the best thing you can do for yourself, your party, and the country.

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