Monday, January 5, 2009

A libs concern for Republicans

Well it's the first Monday of the new year and time to start cleaning up the mess of what's left of the Republican party, and begin building our foundation for 2010.

A concerned liberal friend of mine wrote me an e-mail over the weekend that included an article from a guy who was pointing out that Republicans are basically all white guys, and suggested we don’t want minorities in the party. This friend has sent several e-mails in the past that have inspired intense dialogue. My friend has never given me permission to reprint his e-mail. So today I will present the gist of his and then reprint my response. You'll notice the 2nd response is a little more passionate

As for this article the guy is obviously of the belief that Republicans don't want anyone other than white guys in the party, and uses facts to build his case. However the truth is that Democrats have done a better job of attracting minorities, and hence they have more candidates that are minorities.
The Republican party I believe is going to change, and probably not how liberals expect. Conservatives are going to reclaim the party and stop chasing moderates. It's a race to the center every election with who can be the least offensive candidate. That ends up with both parties looking very similar and most people frustrated. See to see how liberals are frustrated already with Obama. The Republicans are way more frustrated than that with Bush, and our leaders, so expect to see conservatism rise on this side of the isle. I believe that once a clear message of what conservative values are is sent out a number of minorities will respond and want to be a part of that. A young man up in the DC area has already started a movement. I would love to see Michael Steele head up our party, but either way he is becoming a major force for conservatives to reach out to blacks, and invite them to explore our platform. We definitely need to resemble the face of America more so all conservatives feel like their voice is represented. And now that we're starting to get back on point, I think you'll see that begin to happen.

Happy New Years!

My friend then responded that Michael Steele is “too partisan” to attract minorities. He also thought “Rove & Co” tried to shun the center with Bush and that’s why Bush is one of the most polarizing figures in American history. Here’s my response to that!

Michael Steele is a partisan and so am I. You are a partisan too! We have values that we don't waiver on to try and win votes. Bush is so polarizing, because libs were ticked he told them their opinion didn't matter. I hope Obama does the same. As a leader you do what you believe is right. The American people aren't in a position to know how to handle problems, so whatever you and I think is useless. We don't see the reports they see. A lot of info they can't share with us, so all they can do is try and make us feel secure that they know what they're doing. As for the House I expect Republicans to be ticked off at Bailouts, taxes, Supreme court nominations etc. I expect the media won't play it up like they do when the Dems get ticked at what Republicans do. When Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Barbara Boxer, and their gang are screaming about anything, I instinctively know it was the right decision. When they are happy, I'm concerned. So Obama will be just as polarizing a figure as Bush because I and people who think like me believe he's dangerous to the economy, the military, our courts and everything you thought Bush was dangerous for. For Obama's sake I hope he just gives Republicans lip service. Taking meetings with them and acting like he cares what they think, but then does what he feels is right. Because Bush lost the base when he started trying to appease Dems. Then no one wanted to follow. At least 50% want to follow Obama now, like they did Bush 4 years ago. In order to keep that 50% he should close Gitmo, raise taxes on anyone making over 200 grand, and print 1 trillion dollars to start businesses that use solar and wind. All those ideas are horrible from my standpoint but at least he'll be keeping his base happy.
Rove and Co screwed the base with things like No Child left behind, pushing for home ownership for every American, sending out stimulus checks, keeping the borders open and suggesting amnesty for illegal aliens. All things Libs liked at first. It showed he was a moderate with compassion at the time. Liberalism at it's very heart is about compassion. How do we show it? Making sure kids in poor communities get the same education as rich kids, making sure poor families have a chance to start building wealth by owning a home, giving every American some money to help through the rough times, and giving hard working law abiding immigrants the same chance our forefathers had in this great nation. POPPYCOCK! Universal testing leads to universal cheating, because teachers want to keep their jobs, so all kids get cheated out of an education to prepare for a test. People who don't make enough to own a home, can't own a home. It's not the nations job to help them. It's the nations job to give them a chance. Times get rough because the free market says we need to slow down. When the government tinkers, we suffer a lot more down the road. Let the suffering begin! And for every dollar we print to "bail us out" will just extend the length of our misery. Other than the pilgrims, and the slaves, most people's forefathers came through legally. We've had limits on immigration for a number of reasons, and one of them is to make sure people with a stake in this country are the only ones making a living. Immigrants who make money and mail it back to their country are a huge drain on us. Of course I don't blame them, and if in their situation would probably attempt to do the same. But it's not best for the country. McCain was a moderate who got out centered. I and millions of others have been disenfranchised to use a popular term as of late, because while my vote counted, I wasn't given anyone to vote for. Palin, Johnson, Jidel are the first of a new wave of diversity that's coming. Conservatives are getting fired up for 2010. I'm looking to get a few seats back then. But look for a new party by 2012.

So you can see I'm fired up and ready for big changes. Let me know if you are too. In the words of C&C Music Factory; "Let's get this party started right"!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The next time I see you, remind me to tell you why I think you are off base on the "a leader should do what they think is right and screw everyone else" comment

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