Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fixing the middle east in one post.

I’m under the impression most people have no clue what’s happening in the middle east. They hear things like Gaza is shooting rockets at Israel, and Israel is now attacking and won’t let Gaza civilians receive medical attention or food. We’re told this war has existed for thousands of years and will continue till the end of time. Maybe the hostilities will continue, but I think the U.S. position needs to be clear.

The back story. Judea was the land of the Jews. Romans captured the country and renamed it Palestine. Later Palestine was conquered by the Arabs who ruled Palestine for over 1000 years. In 1917 things went nuts. The Balfour Declaration from the British Government who was the worlds super power of the day announced; the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" with the understanding that "nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine. Understandably the Arabs weren’t thrilled with that idea and rioted continuously and attacked the Jews who tried to move back in to the land. 30 years and 2 world wars later the U.N. designated the formation of a country for the Jews to be called Israel. Immediately the Jews and Arabs went to war and the Jews won. The Jews then expanded on the land the U.N. had designated claiming that was their right for winning the war. There have been skirmishes ever since and wars in 1956, 67, 73, & 82. Israel now controls both the Gaza strip and the Golan Heights which are part of Palestine. They have maintained control since the won the war in 1967

It doesn’t help that the land the U.N. designated to create Israel is smack dab in the middle of Palestine. Palestine is currently divided in 3 Golan to the north, the West Bank and the tiny little Gaza strip to the south. So you can understand why the people of Palestine are ticked. If the U.N. created a country and put it between Philly, Pittsburgh and NY Americans would be ready to fight I’m sure. On the flip side The Jews did nothing wrong. They are an incredible group of people who without a homeland for thousands of years, maintained their identity. No other group has done that. When you read ancient text accounts of the Canaanites, and the Ammonites, you also read of the Jews. No other group survived. When nations were conquered, the survivors melded in to the dominant nationality, and became Romans and then Arabs or even British. But the Jews survived and the U.N. decided to return part of their homeland to them. Of course they should take it! And be proud of it.

The solution according to both the experts and from surveys of Palestine and Israel citizens is called the The 2 State Solution. So all we have to do is draw up some borders that both sides can agree to and it’s over. But here’s the rub. Every time negotiations start rolling folks in the Gaza strip start firing off rockets in to Israel. For the past 4 years that’s been going on and while only a few Israelis have died, many have lost homes, property, and of course are under the constant threat that a rocket is going to sail through their window. Israel which ranks 3rd in the world by combat power behind America and China, has shown great restraint in not attacking Gaza. But it makes negotiations impossible. Gaza has their own leaders separate from the West Bank and Golan. Gaza elected the party Hamas. Hamas started in 1987 as a party that prides itself on suicide bombings of Israelis and social programs for Palestinians. It’s like the mob in NY. You know they’re killing and robbing other people but they feed the less fortunate in the neighborhood, so you like having em around. But you know they're bad. Never forget that Hamas is evil. Hamas charter calls for the end of Israel by any means possible. When Hamas candidate Dr Al-Zahar won the Presidency of Gaza in 2006 he gave an interview where he said he dreams of new maps with no Israel on it. This is consistent with Hamas co founder Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi statement in 2002 that Hamas would remove Israel from the map. That was shortly before Abdel himself was removed from the map by an Israeli missile into his car. Before he left this earth he announced that God hates Israel and America.
If all this rhetoric sounds familiar it's because it's awful similar to Iran’s president Ahmadinejad announcing that Israel must be wiped off the map. The U.S. State Dept announced years ago that Hamas was being funded by Iran so this position of their President wasn’t a surprise. So you understand what IRan is funding, the money is to pay poor people to become suicide bombers, and pay their family upon completion of the mission.
I almost forgot! Article 32 of Hamas charter states that Zionists “aspire to expand from the Nile to Euphrates. We must not rest until we destroy the Zionist entity”. In case you’re unclear on Zionism it’s the belief that Jews should have a homeland. So America & England are tops on that list of must be destroyed. Knowing that as the back ground you have to laugh when the head of Hamas now says “we mean no harm to Israel or the Jews of the world. We just want them to stop attacking us so we can negotiate”.

In the opinion of Hamas, and Iran, the west led by America and Europe, is the only reason there is an Israel. So they want to end Israel and then turn on us. In the same speech Ahmeadinejad announced Israel must be wiped off the map he said "Many who are disappointed in the struggle between the Islamic world and the infidels…say it is not possible to have a world without the United States and Zionism. But you know that this is a possible goal and slogan." He also calls us The Great Satan. So again it’s laughable when he tells 60 Minutes in an interview “it's wrong to think that Iran and the U.S. are walking towards war. Who says so? Why should we go to war?". Of course they don't want a war with us. Iran and Gaza can’t go to war with anyone…yet. But they are building up. They are trying to pursuade Egypt, Jordan, and all Muslim nations to join them. In the mean time they have thousands of suicide bombers ready to go. 10,000 Iranians volunteered last week to go to Gaza to blow themselves up in the hope of killing Jews.

In 07 Ahmeadinejad said "Suicide bombers in this land showed us the way, and they enlighten our future. the will to commit suicide is one of the best ways of life."

We’re dealing with mad men intent on leading their people to war with us. Political correctness will kill us all if we don’t respond properly to the threats. When we treat Hamas like a regular political party it’s the same as treating the Fascists, or the Nazi’s as a regular party. All 3 were elected by their nation to lead, but if their goal is end our way of life, we can’t allow them to sit at the table and persuade other nations they mean no harm. Cry it out from the roof tops and expose them as pure evil. Then don’t back down. Bush was right in 02 when he called out Iran, Iraq, and North Korea as the Axis of Evil. Iran is no longer in a position to sponsor terror, as they had for decades. North Korea was a monster for years with 200,000 political prisoners according to Amnesty International who said those prisoners are raped, starved, and used for medical experiments. Until recently people were executed for listening to radio stations from South Korea. In the 70’s & 80’s North Korea had people hijack planes with westerners on to execute them. But they changed their ways in the 90’s and began sponsoring Libya and Syria with weapons in their attempts to bring down the U.S. Since being called out North Korea is turning around. Kim Jung has actually started introducing Capitalism. Most importantly they have shut down their nuclear weapons program, and are no longer dealing with Syria. Libya of course has had a turnaround of it’s own the past few years, and is now an Allie of ours.
The last 4 years Bush has gotten wishy washy about holding up Hamas and Iran and saying these leaders are not to be trusted. We will not negotiate with them, they are terrorists who have no honor. We need to remind the world and ourselves of how bad they are so there is no confusion. Israel will remain a country. They want to work with the leaders of Palestine to draw up a 2 state map, but can not work with Hamas. Iran will do what it can to end the peace process because they want war. When it’s out in the open you can see through the veiled attempts at peace. It’s important to know your adversary, and what their goals really are. I beg our leaders to tell Americans and the world the truth and face the criticism that comes for being insensitive to other cultures. The criticism can’t kill you. Hamas and Iran can.

Once the world sees these groups for what they are, the groups will be forced to change or face the cold reality that they’re going it alone. Either way we’re all better off.

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